The BibleGet engine understands the names of the books of the Bible in 25 different languages.
It is possible that the tables with the names of the books of the Bible in the different languages contain errors. If you notice any errors or if there are valid alternative forms for a specific language that are not included, please send your feedback with the necessary information.
Likewise if you would like to see another language which is not yet supported, please send the necessary information with the names of the books of the bible in that language, and we will gladly add it to the tables.
Book | Abbreviation |
Genesis | 1Mose | Gen |
Exodus | 2Mose | Ex |
Levitikus | 3Mose | Lev | Lv |
Numeri | 4Mose | Num | Nm |
Deuteronomium | 5Mose | Deut | Dt |
Josua | Josh |
Richter | Jdg | Jgs |
Rut | Ru |
1Samuel | 1Sam |
2Samuel | 2Sam |
1Könige | 1Kgs |
2Könige | 2Kgs |
1Chronik | 1Chron | 1Chr |
2Chronik | 2Chron | 2Chr |
Esra | Ezr |
Nehemia | Neh |
Tobit | Tobias | Tob |
Judit | Jdt |
Ester | Est |
1Makkabäer | 1Macc | 1Mc |
2Makkabäer | 2Macc | 2Mc |
Ijob | Hiob | Jb |
Psalter | Ps |
Sprichwörter | Sprüche | Prov | Pr |
Ecclesiastes | Eccl | Qo |
Hoheslied | Sg |
Weisheit | Ws | Wis |
Sirach | Sir |
Jesaja | Is |
Jeremia | Jer |
Klagelieder | Lam |
Baruch | Bar |
Ezechiel | Hesekiel | Ez |
Daniel | Dan | Dn |
Hosea | Hos |
Joel | Jl |
Amos | Am |
Obadja | Ob |
Jona | Jon |
Micha | Mi | Mic |
Nahum | Na | Nah |
Habakuk | Hab |
Zefanja | Zeph |
Haggai | Hag | Hg |
Sacharja | Zech |
Maleachi | Mal | Ml |
Matthäus | Matt | Mt |
Markus | Mk |
Lukas | Lk |
Johannes | Jn |
Apostelgeschichte | Ac |
Römer | Rm | Rom |
1Korinther | 1Cor |
2Korinther | 2Cor |
Galater | Gal |
Epheser | Eph |
Philipper | Phil |
Kolosser | Col |
1Thessalonicher | 1Th | 1Thess |
2Thessalonicher | 2Th | 2Thess |
1Timotheus | 1Tim | 1Tm |
2Timotheus | 2Tim | 2Tm |
Titus | Tt |
Philemon | Phlm |
Hebräer | Heb |
Jakobus | Jm | Jas |
1Petrus | 1Pt | 1Pet |
2Petrus | 2Pt | 2Pet |
1Johannes | 1Jn |
2Johannes | 2Jn |
3Johannes | 3Jn |
Judas | Jud | Jd |
Offenbarung | Rev | Apoc |