
The sandbox lets you test requests to the BibleGet service endpoint as an application would make them. The results you see are as the application would see them, not as the final user would see them. This means that you will see raw JSON, XML, or HTML without any kind of formatting. If you would like to see an example of formatting as the final user might see it (this however depends on how the application processes the raw data and formats it for the user), you can choose "HTML" output and then check "view sample formatting".

Please note that this sandbox page makes use of WordPress transients as a caching mechanism. For now, the BibleGet project does not require developers to use an access key in order to make use of the service. Please do not be indiscriminate in how you use the endpoint. If for example you implement calls to the endpoint from a webpage, please make use of a server side caching mechanism or even client side browser storage to avoid making the same calls over and over again, bogging down the server. You may not realize in fact that on a webpage, not only you but any other internet user or perhaps even an indexing robot from a search indexing tool such as Google could access the page you created, triggering a new request to the BibleGet endpoint. For this reason the more recent updates to the BibleGet engine will do a few checks to see if too many requests are coming from the same source, and if so will start to show a notice or perhaps even deny service for the request.

Choose the Bible versions to use:
Choose output format:
Choose preferred origin:

Some books of the Bible in Catholic editions, or at least certain chapters of such books, may come in multiple versions, with one version of the chapter coming from the original Greek text, and one from the original Hebrew text. The radio button that follows will have no effect for books or chapters that do not have more than one version in the same Bible edition. It will however express a preference for one version over the other in those cases where there are multiple versions of a chapter within the same Bible edition. When such choice is applicable, but no preference has been expressed, the BibleGet engine will default to the Greek version, based on the Septuagint.

Generated query: &version=NVBSE &return=json &appid=sandbox